Dit is een hoogdravend spreken…

Yes, that is a Dutch title for my very English post. Perhaps next time I’ll do a title in Spanish. In any case, if you have been reading my blog for a while you know that I like keeping things positive. I’m a firm believer that even when you’re having a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day”  you can still find beauty and happiness. There’s always a silver lining. However, some days even I need to rant. Today is one of those days. So here it goes…

  • Why are so many guys my age (late 20s) dating girls in their early 20s??? Come on! 
  • I absolutely loooove those “friends” who are constantly saying we should hang out but never materialize plans. If YOU tell me that you want to hang out and I tell you that since you’re the one working to let me know when you are free, then it is YOU who needs to tell me WHEN you are free. Makes no sense whatsoever for me to have to keep asking you when you’re free, specially
    You've been warned! lol

    You’ve been warned! lol

    since you were the one who wanted to hang out. Seriously, don’t waste my time.

                  • P!nk’s lyrics for her newest single… seriously?? sigh. Like my sister would say, “I can’t even!”… Right from the start you were a thief. You stole my heart, and I your willing victim. I let you see the parts of me that weren’t all that pretty and with every touch you fixed them. 
  • What’s with some people’s OBSESSION with my relationship status? If I’m meant to leave Singledom sometime in the future it will happen, SO LET IT BE!
  • The other day I was talking to a friend of mine that lives in London and she was telling me about how two of her roommates are always making negative comments about America, listing all the things they dislike about this country, and saying that Americans aren’t friendly (and of course this is a statement they can make because they have met ALL 313,914,040 of us!). However, they still eat American food, watch American movies, buy clothes from American designers, listen to American artists. What gives?!? Rather stupid to be so vocal about your dislike for a country and a group of people that you support one way or another with your actions.
  • If we’re going to be technical about it, America is actually the whole continent (North, Central, and South), not just the U.S… Just sayin’!

Ok, enough of that! Things I Love, Thursday is tomorrow and I have quite a few things I’m thankful for this week!

4 thoughts on “Dit is een hoogdravend spreken…

  1. Haha…so much of this I could relate to. Me and Sonya have often lamented the fact that guys our age go after super young girls…leaving us to do WHAT?! I just sort of don’t even hear it when people do your second one any more…every now and then someone will surprise me, and I’m honestly touched…otherwise, I already know. 🙂 The good news…I think people started leaving me alone about my relationship status at about 29ish. (other than relatives. 😉 And it use to bug me to death when I was in NZ and they’d be trash-talking America…and that’s EXACTLY what I told them! Why do you eat at McDonalds and watch our tv shows and listen to our music? (Not to mention that our country saved you in WWII, so the older people actually appreciate us…just not the younger generation). Anyways. 😉

    • For some reason this comment went to my “Pending Approval” folder! I don’t even have it set for me to have to approve comments before hand! WEEEEIRD! Yeah, I totally don’t get why they go for younger girls… Maybe it’s a guy thing, that would explain why guys in their 40s and 50s go for girls OUR age! lol

  2. Oh yeah, America is the whole contintent. Don’t get me started on that rant. And the whole prejudices /generalizations made me think of this lovely talk on storytelling, on why all stories are important:

    I hope you are feeling better. Let things go…. (but sometimes a good cry / rant is needed and healing, you know, like balm).

Tell me what you think! I love to read your comments :)