And so it begins, 2014

One of my favorite quotes of all times is this Chinese proverb that says that the gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials”. I’ve always believe that good things are worth waiting for and that often times they don’t come easy. I know trials make me a better person, however, it feels like I’ve been going through the fire for the past few years. Every January some well-meaning people tell me that this will be my year, that this year will be better, that this year I will *finally* get all those things I’ve been working towards, and waiting for. And it feels like every year it’s just one more struggle after the next, and one more disappointed after the next. 

As the clock was ticking closer to midnight last night I found myself feeling both hopeful and dreadful about this new year. Hopeful because it’s a blank slate and the possibilities are endless. But dreading it because I’m really afraid that it’s just going to be the same as years past. Some friends have told me that they don’t know how I do it, how I haven’t gone crazy after so many years… the truth is, neither do I. Some days are such a struggle and all I can do is cry and catch my breath. Other days I feel everything is fine and will be fine. But I seriously wonder how much longer this can go on. At what point would I have had enough and have no more strength left in me? 

It can be so easy to fall into a negative tailspin and start off my year on the wrong foot. But I don’t want that. I don’t know what this year will hold and although I’m terrified that nothing will chance this year I have to at least try make the best out of things. One of the things I’ve decided to do is to join in on this years’ January Joy challenge. There are certain circumstances I can’t change, but I can at least try to focus on joy. So with that said, here goes January 1st 🙂


Florence Finds’ January Joy 2014

Make Some Resolutions

I Usually don’t do resolutions because truth be told I usually forget. But I think that happens because I make resolutions that are way too ambitious or ones I’m not actually committed to. But I think this year I have some good ones.

  • Make Healthier Decisions. I will workout more often, drink more water, eat better, have a healthier sleep schedule.
  • Get Busier. I need to find more things to keep me distracted from the things that are out of my control. I’m already planning on becoming a volunteer for “Make a Wish” and also want to get my TESOL certification. I’ll probably also try to take more classes in Coursera.
  • Read More Books. I have 6 books in my “To Read” shelf on Goodreads and my goal is to read them all this year.
  • Finish My Rosetta Stone Dutch Course. A lot of people don’t like RS but I’ve actually learned some Dutch with it so I want to be serious about it this year and actually finish it. 


One thought on “And so it begins, 2014

  1. Pingback: Here’s to 2015 | Varekai

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