January Joy

Towards the end of December I started to check the Florence Finds site hoping to start their January Joy challenge as soon as it was up. I was disappointed to find that it hadn’t been posted, and when January 1st rolled around and the challenge was still not up I thought it just wasn’t going to happen this year. However, Amanda over at Poppies and Icecream is on top of things and the second the challenge was up she started working on it 🙂


This year the challenge is a little different. Instead of having a prompt for every day of the month they have come up with 13 different things you can do as the month progresses. Since there are no dates you can do the prompts in whichever order you want or even skip some.

Turns out I had already started the challenge without knowing! On January 1st I wrote down a few resolutions I have for this year and one of them was about my health and fitness. So, CHECK on that one! I also started reading “Gone Girl: A Novel” by Gillian Flynn. So CHECK on “Read something new” too!

I think the next one I’m going to do is “Plan a Project”. I’ve been wanting to move things around in my room, specifically I want to redo my “Happy Board” (some people call it a Vision Board). I started one a while ago, but it turned into a pin board full of a bunch of random things I had no other place for. The board is directly across from my bed so it is the first thing I see in the morning, I want it to be full of all the things that make me happy, plus things I want to see happen in my future.

I’ll post pictures once I’m done 🙂

Here’s to a happy year!

Tell me what you think! I love to read your comments :)